Camber Sands

FROG TALE: Elephant Finds Reading Glasses.

An Elephant Returned A Ranger’s Reading Glasses Undamaged. Jock had been studying a herd of elephants around the Limpopo region of South Africa for some time and hadn’t noticed his missing reading glasses until he returned to the lodge as usual one evening. He vowed to scour the bush for them the next day, not…

Blog, Frog Tales | 24 August 2022

LIFE IN BOTSWANA: Monkey Filmed on Homemade Go-Pro 🐒

I don’t have a Go-Pro, so I strapped my phone around my head with a fitness band to get footage of a large monkey mistaking my feeble attempts at fitness for spectator sport. I had just begun my routine lock-down run, when a male vervet appeared out of nowhere, grabbed an apple from the bird-table,…

Blog, Frog Tales | 11 May 2020

FROG TALE: Weaver Bird Jilted At The Nest.

We were relaxing by the pool at a hotel in Johannesburg when we noticed a particularly noisy weaver bird dismantling the nest he had built, ripping this strand and that strand with such fury that the whole thing fell from the tree – plop! Into the pool. The bird’s frustration was palpable. It paced endlessly…

Blog, Frog Tales | 2 April 2020

FROG TALE: There’s A Frog In My Milk!

My friend Ben said he heard I wrote a book called The Frog theory. He told me his mother studied frogs in the Russian mountains where her hosts produced fresh, cool milk with the tea. As she stared at the milk she wondered how they kept it cold with no electricity or fridges when a…

Blog, Frog Tales | 28 June 2019

FROG TALE: What a boar

I used to share a workshop with a girl from Zimbawbwe, long before I had ever even thought about going to Africa on holiday, let alone living there. I said wasn’t it a scary place? She said not half as scary as Croydon where she had already been mugged – Twice! Me. Enlightened. I loved…

Blog, Frog Tales | 19 March 2019