Camber Sands

LIFE IN BOTSWANA: Monkey Filmed on Homemade Go-Pro πŸ’

I don’t have a Go-Pro, so I strapped my phone around my head with a fitness band to get footage of a large monkey mistaking my feeble attempts at fitness for spectator sport.

I had just begun my routine lock-down run, when a male vervet appeared out of nowhere, grabbed an apple from the bird-table, and made himself comfortable on one of the garden pillars to watch.

Each time I lapped the house, he was waiting for me to reappear, regarding me curiously whilst nibbling his apple.

Even when he had finished eating, he continued to watch until I had stopped running, then allowed me to get some photos of him.

After that, he slurped some water from the birdbath and took his leave, presumably to see what the neighbours were up to!

2 monkey
1 monkey
3 monkey
4 monkey
5 monkey



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